Many governments in the world share a common perspective that waste will be the next-generation major resource of utility. Though sanitary and recycling services are normally available, the biggest challenge comes from the cities. The cities with high population density, diversified communities, rising living standards and large metropolitan areas have witnessed the accelerated waste generation rates in their environments. As a result, city government authorities are urging for an efficient technological solution that will help them manage sanitary budget more effectively.

Efficient, safe and secure transportation networks are the foundation of all modern cities’ development and substantiality. The most sought-after intelligent solutions are those that optimize transportation efficiency, improve traffic safety and minimize costs; and such demand has in recent years given rise to the R&D and implementation of ITS, short for Intelligent Transportation Systems.

In-vehicle video recording is becoming commonplace on all forms of private and public transportation, making possible real-time event monitoring on cars, buses, trains and MRT for ensuring personal security and public safety. In addition to personal security and public safety, there is also a growing demand for in-vehicle audiovisual recording on more specialized vehicles such as police cars and ambulances. Similar to having black boxes equipped on commercial airplanes, audiovisual recording is required for documenting activities that take place within the perimeter of these vehicles, ensuring all evidence remain untainted and therefore undisputed.

Transportation infrastructure comes in various forms and all are critical to not only the movement of people and cargos but also national security. Just like airports, railroads and bridges, many people count on car ferries for their daily commute and business operations; therefore special precautions by way of video surveillance, traffic control and coordination of service must be taken, via strategically installed marine control systems, to ensure safety for passengers and vehicles.

In populous metropolitan areas where traffic flow is heavy, keeping traffic under control and maintaining road safety have become a tricky problem because of sparse traffic law enforcement. Traffic violations such as speeding, median crossing and running a red light are often neglected, giving rise to more serious offences and worse traffic congestion as drivers ignore the possibility of getting caught.

We have all given into the idea that commute time is generally wasted. We listen to music, but day in day out, whether headed to the office or school and back home again, we wasted countless minutes and hours a day to going back and forth.

Combining all the elements needed for bus surveillance and monitoring while at the same time offering quality display output and performance for digital signage and media is no easy task. Add in the need for robust design and excellent vibration and shock resistance, and few devices can live up to the task. The demands of this application include: