Eagle-Lanner tech blog


Workload consolidation for service provider data centers is sometimes misunderstood as expanding hardware footprint. Virtualized network infrastructures like SDN or NFV orchestration models has indeed cut down the investment in physical hardware; however, there are still discussions about scaling data centers with additional hardware systems like storage devices in order to keep up with the promised application performance and QoS (Quality of Service). This misconception defeats the economic purpose of deploying uCPE white box server.

Lanner Electronics Inc.and Enea are partnering up to address common vCPE use cases and to provide reliable and customizable SW/HW computing platforms with high quality and performance. Enea website: https://www.enea.com

Since the introduction of smart mobile devices and cloud computing, the world has been undergoing a series of major technological revolutions, including IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), Machine Learning, and the upcoming 5G specifications, all involved with networking. In recent years, SDN (Software-Defined Network) has taken the most spotlight, and has indeed been widely adopted among enterprises all over the world. Following the success of SDN, there is another growing trend, Intent-based Networking, or abbreviated as IBN. In fact, IBN and SDN have often been jointly discussed due to certain level of similarities in their natures. Thus, this article is going to address the relations between SDN and IBN.

The increasing convergence in IoT, cloud, SDN and NFV has led to the unprecedented transformation and revolution of the network environment. The conventional security measures are encountering their limits against the sophisticated, advanced cyber intrusions. As the leader in network security gateways, Lanner strives to innovate our product lineups to meet the changing needs in the evolving virtual and physical, edge-to-cloud networks architecture.

The term “edge computing” has emerged as the fundamental concepts for the future network infrastructure of 5G and IoT. Indeed, edge computing plays an integral role by performing the computing and data processing at the network, where the data is generated. Thus, performance is optimized while latency is minimized. While cloud computing is considered a centralized architecture, edge computing functions as a distributed approach, where data processing and analytics are localized.

The increasing use of smart mobile devices has escaladed the competition among mobile operators, and the competition has driven them to upgrade bandwidth and improve quality of services, while average revenue and profitability per user are declining. This unfavorable cycle has witnessed the obstacle for the capacity of conventional RAN infrastructures as it has been challenged by the increases of volumes of data and the urged demands for high-speed communications. In fact, conventional RAN platforms are proprietary, vendor-locked deployments, and the upgrades of hardware interfaces would mean significant expenditure for mobile service operators even when profitability is declined.

Today, audiences enjoy sporting events or concerts in large-scale stadium and arenas differently than in previous generations. Especially the ones born within a decade earlier or later than the millennium, they urge to share what they see and to know what are being shown live beyond their seats. Traditionally, this was achieved if the audience purchases a VIP lounge ticket.

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