Network Computing


Thus far into 2020 it has not been business as usual as companies scrambled to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and rushed to implement a feasible work-from-home model in order to ensure a productive and secure workforce. To securely connect teleworkers to the enterprise networks, businesses must integrate multiple security functions into a single appliance, one that delivers not only end-to-end visibility for potential threats with zero-touch deployments but also flexibility for implementing security measures on the fly and simplicity for effortless centralized management.

Hyperscalability enables seamless system resource management, provisioning and distribution by integrating networking and compute resources in a software-defined system. A healthy and robust system must be built on such hyperscalability in order to combine storage, compute, and virtualization layers of an infrastructure into a single system architecture.

With the fast-evolving pace of today’s networking landscape, organizations are seeking more economical and efficient ways to deliver their applications and services to their targets. Indeed, application delivery has drastically changed in its forms since the widespread of smart mobile devices. Therefore, organizations have to enhance the centralized management in their data centers in order to cope with the ever-rising in bandwidth demand without excessive expenses.

Telehealth has been on the momentum in the healthcare sector and the related technologies have attracted increased attentions. According to survey data from renowned health research institutions, there were nearly 7 million people who experienced telehealth technology in 2016, and the number is still on the rise. It is believed that telehealth can improve clinical benefits, particular for individuals with chronic conditions, disability or residence in remote areas.

A county government serving more than 4000 daily patrons in more than 18 public libraries set out to provide high-speed Internet service so that the patrons would be able to use the access for researching and information sharing. The computing hardware involved ranges from laptops and desktop computers to mobile devices such as tablets and cell phones. With the deployment of such Internet access comes with the need for an Internet filtering system.

A security operation center (SOC) provides not only an extra set of eyes for 24x7 monitoring on cloud services but also the security knowhow and guidance for resolving potential security incidents detected. SOC as a Service, as the naming suggests, delivers the aforementioned security measures as an outsourced service, delivering the highest level of security posture for organizations with limited time, budget, or trained staff needed for an in-house 24x7 SOC deployment.

Branch office communication networks are changing to deliver cloud services for workers. Communications service providers can meet these needs with SD-WAN services powered by Session Smart Routing technology from 128 Technology running on Intel® processor-based white box servers from Lanner.

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