Most department stores, retailers and grocery stores have started to implement a system for customers to ‘price check’ items found in the store. A price checker is an electronic kiosk that allows customers to scan the barcode of any item in the store to view the price of that item. These price checkers are especially useful in bigger stores, where items get moved around, and price tags fall off. However there is no added value to the overall customer experience. The customer can access the exact same information from a price tag. If stores are providing and installing these price checking stations, they could upgrade the experience with little added cost.
These price-checkers are basic IPCs with specified ports supporting the scanning technology inputs and the digital display outputs. An added touch screen or even a mouse input system would not have a bigger additional cost. And both upgrades would yield a better experience for the customer. By adding the input system and more content on the items, suddenly the price checking station can display more information than just the price of the item. It could contain a small description of the item, the items uses and specialized features; the price checking machine could also have a product video or commercial about the item. There can be as much or as little content as the store or manufacturer is willing to provide.
The best thing about this system is that it is advertising that does not feel like advertising to the customer. If the customer just wants the pricing information they can check it and walk away. However to a customer that is interested and has the time to investigate the product, this service gives them as much data as they want. The customer will view this as information rather than advertising.
This kind of system is rewarding for everyone involved. The customer is informed and has easy access to information. The manufacturer of the product is able to provide advertising directly to those customers that have an active interest in their product. The stores are freeing up more time for their sales staff, and saving money by having less items returned.