Over the past 15 years we've witnessed a gradual change in branch WANs requirements. Whereas most branch offices, more often than not, were connected to the rest of the business through an MPLS circuit or VPN, we are seeing more and more network architectures being updated either by way of increasing more capacity to the existing WAN circuit or by introducing an Internet connection to the branch WAN.

SD-WAN is becoming the most anticipated WAN Services today. According to the latest Gartner Report on WAN Edge Infrastructure, in next 5 years more than 90% of WAN edge infrastructure will be based on vCPE platform or SD-WAN versus traditional router for managing network connectivity and resources from distributed branches to data center and the cloud.

The Intel Select Solutions for uCPE is a ready-to-build reference design that enables OEMs, system integrators and service providers to deliver SD-WAN solutions to their customers in a completed offering to meet or even exceed required performance and capability specifications. The Intel Select Solution for uCPE is designed to accelerate network transformation and help communications service providers and enterprises respond to evolving network needs more effectively and rapidly.

SD-WAN offers enterprises high degree of flexibility for network security, traffic visibility and WAN optimization. SD-WAN consolidates multiple networking functions into a single software-defined uCPE platform which virtualizes all the network functions with enhanced service agility, security and QoS (Quality of Service).

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