Due to the rising awareness of environmental friendliness, more and more people are taking metro transportations such as subway and mass rapid transit as their primary commuting option. As people are spending more time on trains, and, with the popularity of smart mobile devices, they would like to maximize their time efficiency during their traveling time. Therefore, managements of rolling stock organizations are taking onboard Wi-Fi service into consideration. Regarding signal reliability and rolling stock environment, the most convenient solution is to implement an onboard gateway with wireless network connectivity and processing capability rather than installing a local Wi-Fi network or a satellite-based system. The onboard gateway will act as the Wi-Fi hot spot, so that passengers will have the access while spending time in the trains.

Driver fatigue is accounted as one of the most prevalent causes of traffic accidents, especially with heavy-duty vehicles such as mining trucks, excavators, bulldozers, cranes, cargo trucks and commercial buses. Drivers of these vehicle types can experience long-hour shifts and may fall into asleep at wheels temporarily in a “doze” mode when hit with fatigue or drowsiness. In fact, there are reports indicating that 1 out of 6 fatal accidents is caused by drowsiness or fatigue. Therefore, owners of heavy-duty service vehicles are searching for in-vehicle solutions that can detect the level of driver condition to lower down the accident rates and damage costs.

Many governments and transportation companies in the world are seeking intelligent and secure rolling stock solutions to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution and commuting time between urban and rural areas. In fact, today’s passengers and operators demand more than just reliability and efficiency, but also comfort, infotainment as well as environmental friendliness. To meet the ever complicated demands, a more integrated system with high degree of modular flexibility and scalability is required.

Nowadays, service fleet managers have put a strong emphasis on vehicle-to-center networking and communications in order to improve their productivity, cost-effectiveness and customer satisfaction. Drivers also demand a better working experience when conducting their tasks. The concerns are mostly centered at driver safety, fuel-efficiency, usage-optimizations, and asset monitoring. In other words, fleet managers wish to establish more efficient communication and job-dispatch mechanisms between service fleets and operation centers.

Maritime border safeguarding is highly crucial to a nation’s security. Many governments in the world have implemented warning facilities around border coasts to prevent potential threats from happening. An effective warning requires real-time and coordinated responses in order to cope with possible criminality around the coastline. Therefore, many maritime border authorities have been searching for a mobile, connected surveillance solution that can instantly monitor event situations and provide real-time reports.

Today, many hospitals and health-care institutions are searching ways to improve survival rates for their emergency rooms. Most of the facilities used by current ambulances are below ideal. In fact, it has been reported that a considerable number of in-vehicle medical staff is still relying on radio systems to communicate with their hospital colleagues, which often fails to provide detailed communications so that hospital staff is frequently less-than-prepared when receiving the victim/patient.

When it comes to AVI, short for Automatic Vehicle Identification, an essential component of Intelligent Transportation Systems, the most commonly recognized applications include automatic road enforcement and electronic toll collection. A lesser known but relevant and context-aware application involves weather and data-mining. This particular application cross-references traffic data collected from Automatic Vehicle Identification systems and real-time weather data for crash analysis in order to identify where the most accident-prone traffic locations are, under certain weather conditions. Such application is considered a very promising method for proactive accident prevention, ensuring traffic and roadside safety.

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