Eagle-Lanner tech blog


Radio Access Network (RAN) terminology is nothing if not confusing. Traditional RAN configurations are now termed “Distributed RAN.” The first phase of cost optimization through consolidation is typically called “Centralized RAN” or “CRAN.” Capacity improvements achieved through baseband pooling are often known as “Cloud RAN,” representing another, different use of the term “CRAN.” Currently, the ultimate approach to enhancements is “Virtual RAN” or “vRAN.” And we haven’t even mentioned “mini-CRAN,” proposed by China Mobile, let alone “Coordinated RAN,” “Collaborative RAN,” “Clean RAN” or “Advanced CRAN,” all of which have shown up in conference presentations over the past three years.

Around the globe, pretty much every telecom service provider is either running a network functions virtualization (NFV) proof-of-concept, or has already virtualized some areas of their network. In doing so, a major concern they have is how to effectively perform test and measurement (T&M) of these dynamic network environments which, if not properly assured, threaten carriers’ main competitive advantage: network reliability. Here, Accedian’s VP of International Sales, David Dial, explains what it takes to fully assure virtual networks, and how our solutions uniquely address this need.

The recent phenomenon of Machine Vision is actually a broad term that incorporates a variety of technologies, ranging from software components and algorithms hardware platforms, SW/HW integration, and methods of deployments. In other words, the term Machine Vision is constituted by mostly existing technologies but integrated by new algorithms to enable inspection, predication and analysis on the data received. Aside from Computer Vision, Machine Vision is made to execute certain image-processing function, solution or service, usually in an industrial environment.

Cloud RAN (Radio Access Network) is anticipated as the next revolution for cellular network infrastructure, and considered as an optimal solution to enhance capacity and coverage, while reducing latency caused by increased traffic. Though the virtualized nature of cloud RAN is thought as a challenging approach to replace the traditional, distributed RAN architecture, the cloud architecture is favored by network operators for their RAN infrastructures to enable new serviceability and simplified deployment approach.

Ships are complex network environments, with a variety of internal and external connections for voice, broadband Internet, asset tracking, entertainment, and more. Managing all these connections has become a challenge, particularly given that typical networking equipment is not designed for maritime service.

Optimizing the usage model when deploying multiple VNF’s with SD-WAN can create challenges. Allocating compute resources on a “per usage” basis or perhaps session base has multiple advantages. Network conditions can vary in different locations and to support a “zero touch” deployment model, multiple networking paths with fall back options are needed form MPLS, LTE to WiFi or even traditional ATM in a legacy environment. Lanner showcase the deployment scenario using uCPE platforms and interfaces to ease the rollout of SD-WAN services.

Today, virtualization is the proven architecture to enhance performance and efficiency of service delivery in cloud computing. In fact, virtualized infrastructures have been implemented for servers in data centers worldwide and the topology is continuing its momentum as it can consolidate hybridized public and private clouds to offer enterprise IT personnel a more agile and flexible way to manage cloud service delivery.

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