As software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) technology becomes more popular, communications service providers (CommSPs) want to expand their service offerings to include smaller remote offices. Low system costs for these locations are important, as is delivering line rate performance for deep packet inspection (DPI) and IPsec packet encryption/decryption and routing. Intel® Network Builders ecosystem member Lanner Electronics Inc. has built its NCA-2510 server products for these markets. The NCA-2510 product family is based on the Intel Atom® processor C3000 . The Intel Atom processor C3000 is designed to scale-out workloads in low-cost applications. The platform also features high I/O integration, making it a good choice for data networking applications.
To prove that these platforms can meet the performance needs of branch office SD-WAN applications, Intel conducted performance tests on four-core and six-core server configurations to characterize chained DPI and IPsec encryption/decryption performance.