Refuge chambers or emergency shelters are heavy duty steel boxes constructed to withstand overpressure of 15 PSI without deformation; each of these chambers is typically comprised of a small airlock chamber and a main chamber, capable of housing up to 20 or more people working in hazardous settings/industries such as underground mining. In the event of an unforeseen disaster caused by fires, floods, rock-falls, or explosions, these chambers, equipped with life-support systems that stay online for several days even when cut off from the main air and power supplies, are the last resort to which everyone involved would escape. 

OT and IT networks operate in different environments, serve different purposes, and have different objectives and risks. IT systems primarily involves storage, retrieval, and transmission of digital information, thus will prioritize protecting data and confidentiality. An OT system will prioritize the safety and availability of equipment and processes.

The current global pandemic has changed many aspects of our lifestyle, pushing internet traffic up to enable employees to work from home, students studying and playing more at home, and enterprises shifting to online business models. This broadband internet increase demand is driving communications service providers (CoSPs) scrambling to increase capacity and improve performance for remote users.

For aging power utility to transform and develop into a modern substation automation system with smart grid technologies, the need for rugged computing platforms with faster processors and reliable storage capacity is essential. The many applications found in a digital substation, including intelligent human-machine interfaces (HMIs) for communication and operator terminals, and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems require high performance hardware to ensure safe operation.

Natural gas infrastructure is composed of million miles of pipelines used to gather, transport and distribute natural gas, and oil from producing basins to end-use consumers. Pipeline infrastructure is one of the safest ways of transporting materials compared to road or rail. It is an extremely important enabler of economic and national security for a country.

Corporations are amassing vast amounts of data, ranging from highly confidential financial, business, and customer data to moderate unimportant information. In order to augment their internal datacenters, businesses are also moving more and more of their data to the cloud and adopting multiple hybrid cloud storage environments. As such, organizations are discovering the complexity, increased costs and security risk of protecting all their data across multi-cloud environments.

It is believed that as enterprises adopt cloud, Edge and mobile computing, almost half of these enterprises have suffered one or more hacking attempts or actual network breaches. Furthermore, more than 22,000 new security holes were disclosed over these past couple of years, and over 1/3 of these network loopholes exhibited an exploit available.

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