Network Computing


As more ships are being connected to broadband internet through either VSAT bands, L-band or 3G/4G/LTE mobile phone networks, there has been a significant rise in the demand for integrated gateway solutions capable of not only managing vessel voice and data communications but also mitigating cyber risks.

The IoT era has ushered in not only constantly increasing demands for connectivity but also growing concerns about tenacious and complex attacks. DDoS attacks today target not only connection bandwidth, but multiple devices that make up an enterprise’s existing security infrastructure, such as firewall/IPS devices and awide variety of applications such as HTTP, HTTPS, VoIP, DNS and SMTP.

Nowadays most enterprises and organizations have fortified themselves with some network protection measures, such as basic encryptions, anti-virus and web-filtering. However, as cyber attacks are constantly evolving and becoming more innovative than ever, these conventional protections are encountering their limits against the sophisticated cyber intrusions like social engineering, zero day attack and advanced persistent threat. Therefore, cyber security measures also have to evolve and the answer is next-generation threat prevention firewall.

SD-WAN is one of the most applied enterprise networking models among SDN applications. According to IHS market research, there will be approximately 45% of enterprises in North America to adopt SD-WAN in the next two years. The era of “software-defined everything” is happening in real-time and SD-WAN is already a booming sector.

Nowadays, small and medium enterprises are relying more and more on smart cloud services in order to stay connected anytime and anywhere. Indeed, cloud-based service solutions provide SMEs the flexibility and scalability for connections among their branches and client devices, at a lower investment in physical hardware. However, while enjoying the convenience and flexibility of cloud service solutions, the SMB communication networks are also exposed to cyber threats and are sometimes the victims to cyber attacks as well.

Businesses today rely more and more on high-speed network to achieve profitability and sustainability. As enterprise networks are connected to more devices than ever, high-speed, high-volume network traffic is required, but network monitoring tools for service assurance, traffic/data analytics, application performance and bandwidth management are far below the required capacity. According to researched surveys, over 50% of the surveyed enterprise IT personnel have reported data loss or dropped packets during traffic. The real-time network performance management and diagnosis platforms are the key factors for optimal performance, and minimal downtimes.

Network connectivity and communications have drastically transformed how the maritime industry carries out its critical business operations. Tasks such as voyage planning, vessel performance analysis, maintenance/manning expense estimation and onboard physical security can now be conducted with reduced cost, greater efficiency and better-defined accuracy, resulting in stronger revenues, enhanced profitability and competitive advantages.

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