
Ekinops is a leading provider of open and fully interoperable Layer 1, 2 and 3 solutions to service providers around the world.
Our programmable and highly scalable solutions enable the fast, flexible and cost-effective deployment of new services for both high-speed, high-capacity optical transport as well as virtualization-enabled managed enterprise services.
Our product portfolio consists of two highly complementary product sets. One, marketed under the Ekinops 360 brand name, provides a single, fully integrated platform for metro, regional, and long-haul applications. The other, marketed under the OneAccess brand name, provides a wide choice of physical and virtualized deployment options for Layer 2 and Layer 3 network functions. As service providers embrace SDN and NFV deployment models, Ekinops’ solutions enable them to deploy today in the knowledge that they can seamlessly migrate to an open virtualized delivery model at a time of their choosing.
A global organization, with operations in 4 continents; Ekinops (EKI) - a public company traded on the Euronext Paris exchange - is headquartered in Lannion, France, and Ekinops Corp., a wholly-owned subsidiary, is incorporated in the USA.